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发布日期:2019-06-10 作者:国家能源局 点击:

55世纪    “一带一路”能源合作伙伴关系,是各参与国为解决能源发展面临的问题,更好地保护生态环境,应对气候变化,保障能源安全,促进可持续发展,建立的国际能源合作平台。“一带一路”能源合作伙伴关系的宗旨是坚持共商、共建、共享,推动能源互利合作,促进各参与国在能源领域的共同发展、共同繁荣。




55世纪    (二)加强基础设施互联互通,提升能源资源贸易便利化水平,推动形成开放、稳定的全球能源市场。

55世纪    (三)加强能源投资和产能合作,减少投资壁垒,改善投资环境,降低融资成本,提高各国能源全产业链发展水平。

55世纪    (四)加强能源科技创新合作,在保护知识产权的同时,推动技术创新成果的共享。




55世纪    我们将在协商对话、共建共享、互利共赢、交流互鉴的基础上,本着以下原则加强合作:

55世纪    (一)开放包容。面向所有相关方开放,各国政府、企业、金融机构、智库及国际、地区组织均可参与。伙伴关系认可并尊重参与国各自的国际承诺,并尊重其自主选择能源发展道路的权利。

55世纪    (二)互利共赢。兼顾各方利益关切和合作意愿,积极推动双边、三方、区域和多边等多种形式的能源合作。


55世纪    (四)能源安全。尊重各国在能源安全方面的核心利益和关切,高度关注国际能源输送通道和跨境能源项目的安全。





55世纪    每两年举办一次“一带一路”能源部长会议,邀请各国能源部长、国际组织负责人以及商业领袖参加,共商国际能源合作的路线图和务实行动。

55世纪    (二)人员培训与能力建设

55世纪    按照需要开展各级人员培训及能力建设项目,包括:


55世纪    2.“一带一路”能源合作领军人才培养项目,邀请各成员国从事能源政策研究、专业技术和经营管理工作的人员参加,旨在增进各成员国能源领域人才的全方位储备。




55世纪    本着互惠互利、公平公正、透明公开、商业运作、利于推广、多方合作的原则,搭建双、多边项目合作与技术交流平台,重点在可再生能源、智慧能源系统、化石燃料清洁化利用以及分布式能源等领域,推动项目务实合作,促进先进能源技术和新兴业态的传播,并重视为各国创新型中小企业的发展创造更多机会。


55世纪    根据工作需要与相关国际组织建立适当的合作关系。

Cooperation Principles and Concrete Actions

of the Belt and Road Energy Partnership (BREP)

Endorsed by all participating countries

The Belt and Road Energy Partnership (BREP) is an international energy cooperation platform, built for participating countries to collectively tackle challenges facing global energy development by preserving the ecological system, addressing climate change, enhancing energy security and maintaining sustainable development. BREP upholds the concept of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and aims at attaining common development and prosperity in energy sector for participating countries through mutually beneficial cooperation.


BREP, abiding by the mission of promoting concrete international energy cooperation, aims to:

1.Facilitate communication and coordination among participating countries in energy policy, development planning, laws, regulations and etc.,in respect with law and regulations of participating countries;

2.Strengthen infrastructure connectivity, facilitate energy trade and contribute to the development of an open and stable global energy market;

3.Enhance energy investment and industrial-capacity construction cooperation by lowering investment barriers, improving investment environment and reducing project financing costs in the whole value chain of the energy industry along the Belt and Road;

4.Facilitate cooperation in innovation and dissemination of advanced technologies in the whole energy industry while protecting intellectual property;

5.Promote cooperation in clean energy and energy efficiency, so as to address climate change, secure universal access to affordable, reliable and sustainable modern energy service; and

6.Enhance cooperation in capacity building and personnel training.

II.Cooperation Principles

BREP will uphold the following principles:

1.Openness and inclusiveness. BREP encourages the participation of all governments, businesses, financial institutions, think-tanks and international or regional organizations in energy cooperation. BREP recognizes and respects the respective commitments of the participating countries arising from their membership in international organizations and regional economic or political integration organizations and their rights to independently pursue the development paths of the energy sector in accordance with their national conditions.

2.Shared benefit and win-win cooperation. While accommodating the interests and concerns of all participating countries, BREP promotes energy cooperation in different forms, be it bilateral or multilateral, regional or global.

3.Market-based operation. BREP recognizes the important role of businesses and the market. BREP respects international laws, and participating countries’laws and regulations, and market rules, as applicable.

4.Energy security. BREP respects and accommodates participating countries’ core interests and major concerns in energy security, and attaches great importance to the security of cross-border energy transmission pathways and transnational energy projects.

5.Sustainable development. BREP promotes the development of sustainable energy for all, gives high priorities to environmental protection, energy efficiency and energy transition, and strives to encourage the efficient and clean development and utilization of energy resources.

6.Social responsibility. In an effort to stimulate local economic and social development in the participating host countries, BREP encourages technology transfers and the training of local human resources while respecting intellectual property.

III.Concrete Actions

1. The Belt and Road Energy Ministerial Conference

BREP will biennially hold the Belt and Road Energy Ministerial Conference which is open to energy ministers, heads of international organizations and business leaders, where the priorities and action plans for international energy cooperation will be discussed.

2. Personnel training and capacity building

BREP will hold demand oriented training and capacity building programs for different groups of personnel, including:

a)Refresher Course for Energy Ministers, which serves as a platform for ministers and senior officials from the energy administrations to keep up with the latest trend of global energy development. Thematic brainstorm sessions, roundtable discussion and site visits could be included in the Course;

b)Belt and Road Energy Talents Development Program, which aims to improve the skill sets of energy policy researchers and technical and management personnel from participating countries, in an effort to comprehensively enhance their talent pool in the energy sector.

3. Intergovernmental policy coordination and cooperation

BREP will, based on members’ requests, organize different types of activities and events to bolster intergovernmental policy coordination and cooperation, so as to guide enterprises to conduct more fruitful cooperation and improve the energy security and affordability of participating countries. BREP respects the individual circumstances and needs of each participating country, and seeks to combine their respective advantages to build up complementarities and synergies.

4. Bilateral and multilateral project cooperation and technology exchange

BREP will provide platforms for bilateral and multilateral project cooperation and technology exchange in renewable energy, intelligent energy systems, clean use of fossil fuel and distributed energy, among others in reciprocal, fair, transparent and market-based ways. BREP will draw on these concrete cooperation projects to disseminate advanced energy technologies and new business models, and create more opportunities for the innovative SMEs in participating countries.

5.Liaison with international organizations

BREP may establish appropriate relations with existing relevant organizations.




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